Separating waste in healthcare

As a healthcare employee, you know better than anyone how important it is to take good care of yourself and the environment. One of the ways you can do this is by properly separating waste. And de Bonton can help you with that!

100% geschikt badge geschikt voor jouw zorginstelling

afval scheiden ziekenhuis kliniek

Ziekenhuizen en klinieken

Dagelijks ontstaat er veel afval in ziekenhuizen en klinieken. De Bonton maakt afvalscheiding eenvoudig en hygiënisch, dankzij duidelijke stickers en een slim design. Zo verklein je restafval en draag je bij aan een duurzamere zorg zonder extra werklast voor het personeel.
afval scheiden zorginstelling verpleeghuis 3

Zorginstellingen en verpleeghuizen

In zorginstellingen is afvalscheiding vaak een uitdaging. De Bonton helpt medewerkers en bewoners afval juist te scheiden met intuïtieve kleuren en praktische bediening. Dit maakt verduurzaming toegankelijk, zonder in te leveren op gemak en hygiëne.
afval scheiden huisarts praktijk tandarts 2

Huisartsen- en tandartspraktijken

Ook in kleinere zorgpraktijken is goede afvalscheiding belangrijk. De compacte en stijlvolle Bonton past in elke ruimte en maakt het makkelijk om papier, plastic en restafval te scheiden. Zo werk je efficiënt en duurzaam, zonder extra inspanning voor het team.

By separating waste with Bonton you choose

bonton afval scheiden-circulair-gerecycled-materiaal
100% circular

The waste bins are made of 100% recycled plastic

bonton afval scheiden-sociaal-werkbedrijf

Assembly in a social workspace

bonton afval scheiden-lokaal-geproduceerd

Produced in the Netherlands, which limits CO2 emissions

bonton afval scheiden-modulair-systeem

The system can be customized to your needs

Separating waste in healthcare

We give you three tips for optimal waste management

Separate waste without worries about tomorrow

As a healthcare worker, you know how important it is to take good care of yourself and the environment. One of the ways you can do this is by properly separating waste. With the Bonton you can separate different types of waste without having to put in extra effort. We give you three useful tips to easily separate waste in healthcare.

afval scheiden in ziekenhuis zorg met bonton

Instruct employees in the waste separation method

1. Make the process open for discussion

To ensure that every healthcare employee separates waste correctly, it is important to make clear agreements. Involve employees in the waste separation process. Discuss which waste will be separated and where. Pay attention to it in the newsletter or on the intranet. For example, the Northwest Hospital introduced the Bonton with humor. They posted a funny video of actor Joep Onderdelinden on the intranet.

afval scheiden ziekenhuis zorg rest beker pmd pd plastic personeel bonton original

Sorting waste anywhere, a sustainable success!

2. Place the bins in strategic places

To make separating waste even easier, it is smart to place the Bonton in strategic places. Consider, for example, the coffee corner, the kitchen and the hallways. This way, healthcare workers and visitors don't have to walk far to throw away their waste.

toolkit bonton voorbeeld met circubin afval communicatie borden stickers

Make it understandable for everyone

3. Use stickers

A handy feature of the Bonton is that they have different stickers. For example, there is a blue sticker for paper and a green sticker for organic waste. By using these colors, it is clear which waste belongs in which bin. People with different backgrounds and habits come to hospitals or healthcare institutions. Therefore it's extra important that the waste flows are understandable to everyone.

dijklander zorg ziekenhuis afval inzamelen bonton afvalbak



prisma zorg afval scheiden bonton


Healthcare institution

noordwest-ziekenhuisgroep-afval-scheiden-zorg-ziekenhuis 2

Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep


's Heerenloo

’s Heeren Loo

Care group for people with disabilities



Psychiatric hospital



Residential care center

Which will be your new Bonton?

The right Bonton for your healthcare institution

Smart in use
40 or 2x20 litre wastebin

Bonton Circubin

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Bonton circubin afval scheiden makkelijk school zorg onderwijs

Seperate large portions of waste
with 70 litre bin

Bonton Original

Bonton Original afval scheiden makkelijk school onderwijs zorg

Seperate small portions of waste
with 5 litre wastebin

Bonton Mini

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Bonton Mini: 100% gerecyclede prullenbak
Menno hulp bij afval scheiden

Starting with separating waste?

Get in touch
with us!

Do you want to start separating waste? Do you have questions about using the Bonton? Or do you want to know what the possibilities are for your healthcare institution? Contact us. We are happy to help you.